5 min readFeb 11, 2022

Online Freelancing Jobs for College Students During Covid Crisis

Are you a college student and have been looking for a site to learn about online jobs for college students? Then you have come to the right place to learn online jobs for college students. Here you will learn how college students can earn money online legally. Unfortunately, colleges are not cheap these days, so if you can earn some money online while studying, it could solve your many problems. Remember, earning money online is not a very easy task, but it is doable if you put some time, energy. There are some well-known ways to earn money online for college students. Upwork, Freelancer, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr, Proz, Translatorscafe, etc. are the best sites to find reliable online jobs for college students. They feature both fixed and hourly projects. Remember at first LEARN, then remove the “L” and Earn. Let’s get started.

Writing: If you want to earn money online quick and you don’t have any technical skills like you don’t know graphics design, web design, animation, video editing, programming, etc. then article writing can help you a lot. Writing is known as one of the best online jobs for college students. You could earn more than 1 thousand dollars easily if you have good writing skills. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try; you will do fine. If you are a native, then it will add some extra value in your profile. There are some great sites to get clients who need articles. All you need to do is sign up, make a decent profile with portfolio, and start bidding. If you have skills, then you will get a job within few days. Complete the job successfully, get a five-star feedback and start bidding. Copywriting pays off really well. You could try it. If you are confident with your level of English, then you could work as an editor as well. Editing jobs are also very good online jobs for college students.

Translation: This is another fantastic online job that college students can do without any technical knowledge. If English is not your first language, then you could give this a try. It is also one of the most common, easy online jobs for college students. There are a few sites to get online translation jobs for college students. Create an account with a nice profile featuring some high-quality samples. If you have skills, then you are sure to get a translation job soon. This is not as abundant as online English article writing job, but if you have skills, 24 hours will not be enough for you. Proz and Translatorscafe are the best sources to get online translation jobs. Trust me on this, translation jobs are pretty good online jobs for college students.

Graphics Design: Surely, this is one of the top rated online jobs for college students. You may have some previous knowledge on graphics design. Now, it is time to get professional and earn some dollars which can help you very much. Remember, if graphics design doesn’t attract you, then you shouldn’t go for it only because it has very good potential. You must have a great desire to learn it. Then if you have creativity, then you will do well online. So, browse through the job descriptions, samples, and profiles before making a solid decision. There are some well-known software like Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, etc. You need to learn how to use them. Don’t get scared; start with Photoshop and start learning steadily. There are many free tutorials online to learn graphics design properly. Don’t forget to visit YouTube; it is loaded with many high-quality videos. Graphic design jobs are very lucrative online jobs for college students.

Web Design: This is known as the best online jobs for college students. Thousands of job posts are available online on outsourcing sites. All you need to do is develop yourself as a good web designer. If you have a strong attraction to become a web designer, then go for it; otherwise you will not do well as you must put a lot of time, energy, and creatively in the beginning. Web designing will be more than enough to pay your tuition fees. Online is a great places to learn web designing. There are many great sources to learn web design for free. W3schools is known as one of the most reliable sources to learn web design. Also, there are many sites with lots of high-quality videos on web designing. YouTube has many free channels as well. Learn 3–6 months consistently; you will do fine. Web design could be great online jobs for college students if learning HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. codes is not a big problem.

Video Editing: Video editing jobs well-known online jobs for college students. If you like to play around with videos, then this could be a dream job for you. Like graphics designing and web designing, you need creativity, patience, and sharp eyes to do well in this sector. There are some software like Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effects, Camtasia, EDIUS, Ulead, etc. You will get many high-quality tutorials online and can become a successful online video editor. You can’t learn it overnight, so don’t get disappointed. Patience is one of the most important factors when it comes to earning online.

Animation: This is another good online job category for college students. It is not as popular as graphics and web designing, but it pays more money than them. Only a few seconds of video can give you a lot of money. So, if you like to make cartoons, short videos, etc. then go for it. Your patience and creativity can make you a good animator.

Application Development: This is another probable job category college students can do online. If you find developing iPhone and android app development attractive, then you could give it a try. Today, app development jobs are hot online jobs for college students. You need to learn programming to master app development. In fact, app development has a great future when it comes to online jobs for college students. If you become successful, then you could take it as your career.

The list above features the most known online jobs for college students that pay good. They are also legitimate online jobs for college students. You could earn more than your college expenses — tuition fees and other expenses. If you spend a few months to learn them, then you are sure to succeed. All you need to do is stay focused. Don’t start one thing and move to another one after every few days; it will distract you from your target. Stay FOCUSED: Follow One Course Until Successful. Take your time to select an appropriate category for you, then start learning. Try your best. Even if you have a mild attraction for a certain category you will succeed if you are focused. If you succeed online, then you could think about taking it as your career. So, good luck with your study and online jobs. Hope you will do fine. Stay tuned!